Royal Visits

Undertaking visits is a major element of The Royal Family's role. Such visits are normally designed to highlight the work and achievements of local communities and organisations. The Bailiwick of Guernsey has been fortunate to receive many Royal visitors to its shores. These visits are a particular honour for the Islands and reflect the special constitutional relationship between the Bailiwick and the Crown.
Charities and organisations that wish to explore the possibility of a member of The Royal Family attending a special event or a historic occasion should, in the first instance, discuss the idea with the Secretary to the Bailiff . The Bailiff's Chambers, in close liaison with The Royal Household and the Office of the Lieutenant-Governor, are responsible for collating any such requests, initiating the formal invitation, and overseeing arrangements. Royal visits will aim to include a variety of activities across the Bailiwick. The Lieutenant-Governor will normally host and accompany the Royal visitor.
To discuss the possibility of a visit please contact:
The Secretary to the Bailiff
The Bailiff's Chambers
Royal Court House
Telephone: +44 (0)1481 726161
Email: [email protected]