Welcome to the website of the Lieutenant-Governor of the Bailiwick of Guernsey
The Bailiwick consists of three separate, self-governing jurisdictions on the islands of
Guernsey, Alderney and Sark
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The Lieutenant-Governor
The Lieutenant-Governor is appointed by The Monarch as the Crown's personal representative in the Bailiwick. Appointed for a five year term, Lieutenant General Richard Cripwell CB, CBE is the 122nd Monarch's representative to date. His Excellency is pictured here with his wife, Mrs Louise Cripwell.

Patronage & Charities
The Lieutenant-Governor and his partner are patrons of a wide range of Bailiwick charities and other organisations. See the full list of their current patronages and access the form to request their patronage for your organisation.

Visits & Events
The Lieutenant-Governor and his partner host many visits and events, including visits by members of the Royal Family. Learn how to request an event.
Honours & Awards
Each year, outstanding Bailiwick citizens and voluntary groups are recognised by the honours system. including honours within the British Empire (KBE, MBE, OBE and BEM) and the KAVS, the King's Awards for Voluntary Service.
Learn how to make a nomination.
The King's Award for Enterprise
The most prestigious awards for organisations in the British Isles, recognizing and rewarding their outstanding achievements in business.
Government House
Government House is the official residence of the Lieutenant-Governor and his partner. It is used to host guests from all over the world and to stage events and ceremonies in support of the Bailiwick and its community.

From the Archives: Former Lieutenant-Governors of Guernsey
Lieutenant-Governor's Cadets
We welcome our six new Cadets for 2024-2025, pictured here at their investiture on 11 September 2024. L-R: Lexie Osborne, St John's Cadet of the Year; Braden Morris, EC CCF cadet Flight Sergeant RAF Section; Emilia Ozanne, Explorer Scouts Young leader; His Excellency; Sophia Matthew, The Ladies' College and EC CCF; Eva Redelinghuys, Youth Forum and Corporal Owain Simpson, The Boys Brigade.