Gold Duke of Edinburgh Awards

"We are here to empower young people; to support them as they learn new skills, overcome obstacles, and build confidence and resilience. We are here for the challenges, the frustrations, the triumphs and the laughter. We are here because we believe in youth without limits"
The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme is a worthy challenge to undertake at every level. But those who achieve their Gold Award have achieved something truly remarkable.
Young people these days are incredibly busy and many of this group are either at University so it always feels like an extra special occasion to be able to get them together to celebrate their achievements with their family and the teachers and Youth commission who support them.
His Excellency presented thirteen young people with DofE badges after hearing a short citation of highlights of their achievements undertaken as part of the award. His Excellency then raised a toast to all of the recipients and their supporters and wished them all well in their future endeavours.