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Coronation Medals for Guernsey Bellringers

Guernsey Bell ringers were not to be left out on Coronation Day - May 6th 2023 - as bell towers across the island joined in the national Ring for The King, having recruited novices and trained them to ring over an intensive seven week period before the big event. 

The Town Church Captain Duncan Loweth (now vice-captain) led the search for new bell ringers and was very pleased with the turnout, training a staggering twenty novices of which nine have caught the ringing bug and continue to ring. 

The bells played sequences known as ‘Kings’, ‘Queens’ and ‘Rounds’ from 10 to 10.45 to coincide with King Charles and Queen Camilla’s procession to Westminster Abbey and whilst not a long time for the experienced ringers, it was for the newbies but with plenty of ringers at each tower, they were able to take breaks to rest in between. 

What they had not known, until earlier this year, was that all people across the British Isles involved in national activities on the day, were eligible for the Coronation Medal. The Office of the Lieutenant-Governor had therefore made the application on their behalf and now all those who rang on the day will receive their medals at a reception at Government House. 

Front page is Ring for the King ringers at the Vale Church and above are those from Town Church, St Pierre du Bois and Forest Church. 

And not be outdone... St Anne's Church in Alderney also rang in their wonderful 12 bell church tower on the day, and will be presented with their medals when His Excellency is over in Alderney in May.

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Government House

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