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Beechwood Leavers Ceremony

The year 6 children and their parents with staff from the school crossed the road to Government House to take part in their leavers ceremony in the grounds. A cricket match at the College Field meant their usual venue was out of action and the Lieutenant-Governor was very quick to agree to them using the grounds here for their event. He was sorry he couldn't attend himself, as he was travelling back from Sark having been to Chief Please the previous day.

It was a beautiful day for the ceremony and seating had been set up under the big oak tree for them to sing some songs and have the presentation of their, now familiar, leavers hoodie sported by students across the British Isles and bearing the names of all the children in their Year group. A lovely keepsake to remember their time in junior school. Mustard the dog made a surprise appearance much to the delight of the children, especially those from the Year 6 choir who had been lucky enough to meet him earlier in the week when they sang for the Lt-Governor and staff.

Everyone then headed back across the road for refreshments before waving goodbye to their junior school and moving up to the Senior School in September.      

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Government House

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