A visit to Le Tricoteur
His Excellency had a guided tour of their factory and met the team that work hard to ensure the Guernsey continues to be exported all round the world and to keep it's unique place in the knitwear market.
At the peak of production in the late 70's there were around 400 hand knitters and Le Tricoteur was producing over 100,000 garments a year. Originally knitted by the wives, mothers and sweethearts of fishermen and farmers to stave off bracing winds and rain. The use of worsted wool meant that guernsey knitwear was extra durable and super weather resistant, springing back into shape after washing or a good soaking in a storm, so pulling on an authentic guernsey is wearing a piece of living history. most of the Guernsey’s are now exported rather than sold locally.
The company was founded by Robert MacDougall in 1964 and is now owned by Rachel Laine.
Guernseys remain everyday wear on the island although most of the Guernsey’s are now exported rather than sold locally.
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Government House